• DSPack 설치 어떻게 하나요?
이구 넘 초보적인 질문이라 죄송합니다. 제가 무지막지한 초보라..

DSPack를 인스톨하려는데 문서에보니

How to install ?
All Versions
1 - Install DirectX9 if you plan to use VMR or Direct3D : http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/downloads/drx90.asp

2 - Install Direct3D libraries if you plan to use Direct3D : http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi/download_dx90.html

3 - Install Windows Media if you plan to use ASF compression or streaming: http://www.progdigy.com/download/wmfdist.exe

Delphi 5,6 & 7
1 - Add this paths to your search directory:
       - (DSPackDir)\src\Directx9
       - (DSPackDir)\src\DSPack

2 - Compile DirectX 9 Package (DirectX9_Dx.dpk) from the "packages" directtory.

3 - Compile DSPack Package (DSPack_Dx.dpk) from the "packages" directory.

4- Install Design Package (DSPackDesign_Dx.dpk) from the "packages" directory.

If you have a warning message during the last step on Win9x, probaby the path : "../Delphi.../bin" is not correctly defined in "c:\autoexec.bat", in most case the path is too long. To correct this problem you have to set this path again. Alternatively change the bpl output directory option on each package to "$(DELPHI)\Bin" (Options>Directories/Conditionals>Output directory).

라고 되어있더군요. 그래서 압축을 풀고 델파이7의 component에서 install conponent 가서 위에서 하라는대로 search directory를 넣고 하니 전혀~ 안되더군요.ㅠ.ㅠ

D3D9ad.dll 이 없다고 에러를 내고요. 아시는 분들의 답변들 부탁드립니다.
  • Profile
    이진기 2004.05.13 22:24

    다이렉트엑스 버젼 9을 설치 않하셨군요

    엠에스 홈피에 가서 받으시고 다시 인스톨하세요

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