델 5에서는 컴파일이 잘 되는데 델 7에서 에러가 나는데
어떻게 변경해야 하는지요?
Mov EDX,EAX //save it in EDX
And EDX,31 //bit index
Shr EAX,5 //byte index, divide by 32
Shl EAX,2 //multiply by 4 for dbl-word
Mov EBX,[EDI+EAX] //get the dbl-word
Bts EBX,DL //set the bit <- Operand size mismatch Error
Mov DL,AL //save it in DL
Mov DH,DL //and in DH
And DL,31 //bit index
Shr EAX,5 //dbl-word index
Shl EAX,2
Mov EBP,[EDI+EAX] //get the dbl-word
Bt EBP,DL //test the bit <- Operand size mismatch Error
Test EDX,$60000000 //quotes clear ?
Jnz @Write //no, then write it out
And DL,31 //bit index
Shr EAX,5 //dbl-word index
Shl EAX,2
Mov EBP,[EDI+EAX] //get the dbl-word
Bt EBP,DL //test the bit <- Operand size mismatch Error
Mov BL,AL //save it in BL
Mov BH,AL //and in BH
And BL,31 //bit index
Shr EAX,5 //dbl-word index
Shl EAX,2
Mov EBP,[EDX+EAX] //get the dbl-word from table
Bt EBP,BL //test the bit <- Operand size mismatch Error