사용자 컴퓨터에 BDE를 설치해서 사용자가 DB에 관련된 프로그램을 사용할 수 있도록 하고자 합니다.
인스톨쉴드(델파이포함본)를 이용하여 BDE설치프로그램을 만들었습니다.
제 컴퓨터에는 잘 설치가 되는데 사용자컴퓨터에서는 설치후에 아래와 같은 에러가 납니다.
Merging the Configuration File Has Failed.
Config File ; C:Program FilesBorlandComman FilesBDEIDAPI32.CNF
그리고 설치된 BDE 디렉토리에서 BDE Administrator를 실행하면 아래의 에러가 발생합니다.
Failed In adding Alias
The Error Number is 3, Initialization Failed.
답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
> 안녕하세요.
> 사용자 컴퓨터에 BDE를 설치해서 사용자가 DB에 관련된 프로그램을 사용할 수 있도록 하고자 합니다.
> 인스톨쉴드(델파이포함본)를 이용하여 BDE설치프로그램을 만들었습니다.
> 제 컴퓨터에는 잘 설치가 되는데 사용자컴퓨터에서는 설치후에 아래와 같은 에러가 납니다.
> Merging the Configuration File Has Failed.
> Config File ; C:Program FilesBorlandComman FilesBDEIDAPI32.CNF
> 그리고 설치된 BDE 디렉토리에서 BDE Administrator를 실행하면 아래의 에러가 발생합니다.
> Failed In adding Alias
> The Error Number is 3, Initialization Failed.
> 답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
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ERRMSG: During BDE Installation, the Error Message "Merging the Configuration File has Failed" Occurs
Document ID: Q100670
This article applies to the following:
Product(s): InstallShield Express 2, InstallShield Express Professional, InstallShield Express Custom Edition for Borland Delphi 2.0, InstallShield Express Custom Edition for Borland C++ 5.x, InstallShield Express Custom Edition for Borland Paradox 7.0
Last Revised On: 02/18/1998
During BDE installation, InstallShield Express displays the error message "Merging the configuration file has failed".
InstallShield Express includes with your BDE setup a configuration file called Idapi32.cnf. (For a 16-bit setup, this file is named Idapi.cnf.) During installation, InstallShield Express copies this file to a temporary location, and then adds to it the settings you chose in the BDE Alias dialogs. If there exists no BDE on the target system, then InstallShield Express simply saves the Idapi32.cnf file to the default BDE directory as Idapi32.cfg. However, if the target machine already has BDE on it (and so has a preexisting Idapi32.cfg file), InstallShield Express then calls the BDE Merge function to merge the Idapi32.cnf file with the existing Idapi32.cfg file, thereby adding your setup's BDE aliases and settings to those already on the target system.
There are several possible reasons why the message "Merging the configuration file has failed" will be displayed during BDE setup:
The target machine's preexisting Idapi32.cfg file is set to read-only or is in any other way inaccessible. This will cause BDE's Merge function to fail. InstallShield Express finds the existing IDAPI configuration file by reading its current location from the CONFIGFILE01 value data under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREBorlandDatabase Engine key in the target machine's registry (32-bit) or from the [IDAPI] section of the system's Win.ini file (16-bit). Please make sure that the target system's IDAPI configuration file is located under the path specified in this value data, and that is not set to read-only or in any other way inaccessible during the installation.
The target machine's BDE Configuration program (Bdecfg32.exe for 32-bit or Bdecfg.exe 16-bit systems) is running during installation. This program will not allow a configuration file to be merged with a file that is currently open. Make sure the target machine's preexisting IDAPI configuration file is not currently in use by any other program.
The IDAPI configuration file on the target machine is corrupt. To check this, launch the machine's BDE Configuration program and open the IDAPI configuration file from the path as specified under the system's registry or Win.ini file. Try using the program's Merge option (from the File menu) to merge another configuration file with the IDAPI file. (For a 32-bit setup, you can try using the Idapi32.cnf file located in Express's Redist subdirectory. For 16-bit, use the Idapi.cnf file located in Express's Redist16 subdirectory.) Also, try saving the machine's IDAPI file as a new temporary name, opening Express's Idapi32.cnf file in the BDE Configuration program, saving it as Idapi32.cfg, and then rerunning the installation. This way you can see if the merge will be possible with a new, "clean" IDAPI configuration file.
Additional Information
InstallShield Express Professional version 1.0 installations made on machines with preexisting BDE would complete successfully, however, a setup that targeted a system with no preexisting BDE would trigger the "Merging the configuration file has failed" message even though there was no current IDAPI file with which to merge. Symptoms of this problem included a 0-byte Idapi.cfg file (with a random date) being installed on the machine and Idapinew.cfg appearing in the same directory as the Idapi.cfg file. The installed BDE will usually run correctly after the computer has been rebooted. This problem was fixed in the 1.1 maintenance release of InstallShield Express Professional. (Make sure the date of the Setup.ins file is 9/3/1996 and the date of the Isx.exe file is 8/28/1996).