manual에 quick basic으로 이런 소스가 있는데 문법을 뒤져봐도 해석이 잘 되지 않아서요. 죄송하게 고수님의 손을 빌리고자 합니다. 도와주셔요...
RS232->RS485 converter를 사용해서 pc로 주변 장치를 control하게 되어 있습니다.
그럼 소스 올리겠습니다. 더위 조심하세요.
Example of the Program Created Using Microsoft Quick BASIC Version 7.1
1000 ' === Main routine ===
1010 STX$=CHR$(2) ‘ Define
1020 ETX$=CHR$(3) ‘ Define
1030 CR$=CHR$(13) ‘ Define
1040 RCVCHR$= ““ ‘ Initialize receive character string
1050 fRCVEND=0 ‘ Initialize flag
1060 fTIMEOUT=0 ‘ Initialize flag
1070 '
1080 SEND$=STX$+“01010WRDD0003,03”+ETX$ ‘ Create character string for send
1090 ' ‘
1100 OPEN “COM1:9600,N,8,1,ASC” FOR RANDOM AS #1 ‘ Open a port
1110 ON COM(1) GOSUB receivechr ‘ Specify interruption processing during receiving
1120 ON TIME(5) GOSUB timeout ‘ Specify interruption processing at timeout
1130 '
1140 PRINT #1,SEND$ ‘ Send
1150 COM(1) ON ‘ Permit interruption during receive
1160 TIMER ON ‘ Start timer
1170 '
1180 DO ‘ Wait for receive end or timeout
1200 '
1210 TIMER OFF ‘ Stop timer
1220 COM(1) OFF ‘ Prohibit interruption during receiving
1230 CLOSE #1 ‘ Close the port
1250 PRINT “>”+SEND$ ‘ Display sent character string on screen
1260 PRINT “<”+RCVCHR$ ‘ Display received character string on screen
1270 END ‘ END
1280 '
1290 ' === subroutine ===
1300 receivechr: ‘ Interruption processing during receiving
1310 CHR1$=INPUT(1,#1) ‘ Fetch characters from receive buffer one by one
1320 IF CHR1$=CR$ THEN ‘ If received character string is “CR,”
1330 IF RCVCHR$=SEND$ THEN ‘ If received character string is the same
as sent command,
1340 RCVCHR$=“” ‘ received character string is initialized
1350 fRCVEND=0 ‘ receiving end flag remains initialized at 0.
1360 ELSE ‘ If received character string is different
from sent command,
1370 fRCVEND=1 ‘ receiving end flag is set.
1380 END IF ‘
1390 ELSE ‘ If it is a character other than CR,
1400 fRCVEND=0 ‘ receiving end flag remains initialized at 0.
1410 RCVCHR$=RCVCHR$+CHR1$ ‘ Create received character string
1420 END IF
1440 '
1450 timeout: ‘ Timeout processing
1460 fTIMEOUT=1 ‘ Set timeout flag
1470 RCVCHR$=“Time out ! (5 sec)”+CR$ ‘ Character string for display on screen
“Time out! (5 sec)”