• Win95와 NT에서 Recursive call함수에 관하여
안녕하세요 ?

저는 인지정보에 근무하는 윤미화라고 합니다

저희 Package(supercel)가 Win95, Win98에서는 잘 도는데요, NT에서는 Error가

나는데 원인을 몰라서 이렇게 도움을 요청하게 되었습니다.

저희는 디렉토리를 지우기 위해 (서브 디렉토리및 파일 포함) RecursivelyDeleteDirectory 라는 함수를 Call하는데요.

NT에서는 화일은 지워지는데 디렉토리가 지워지지 않고 에러가 발생합니다.

Source file을 첨부하오니 도와주시면 참 많이 감사하겠습니다.

unit FileWork;



SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Controls,

Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ShellAPI, FileCtrl;


EOC_CHANGEDIR = 1; { Error Operation Code for change directory failure }

EOC_SOURCECOPY = 2; { Error Operation Code for source copy failure }

EOC_DESTCOPY = 3; { Error Operation Code for destination copy failure }

EOC_DELETEFILE = 4; { Error Operation Code for file delete failure }

EOC_DELETEDIR = 5; { Error Operation Code for directory delete failure }

EOC_RENAMEFILE = 6; { Error Operation Code for renaming failure }

EOC_MAKEDIR = 7; { Error Operation Code for MkDir failure }

EOC_SETATTR = 8; { Error Operation Code for Set Attributes failure }

FAC_COPY = 1; { File Action Code for recursive copying }

FAC_MOVE = 2; { File Action Code for recursive moving }

FAC_DELETE = 3; { File Action Code for recursive deletion }


TFileWork = class( TComponent )


procedure HandleIOException( TheOpCode : Integer; ThePath : String;

TheMessage : String; TheCode : Integer );

procedure DeleteTheFile( ThePath : String );

procedure RemoveDirectory( ThePath : String );

procedure RecursivelyDeleteDirectory( ThePath : String );

procedure HandleRecursiveAction( StartingPath , NewPath : String;

ActionCode : Integer );



{ deletes a single file }

procedure TFileWork.DeleteTheFile( ThePath : String );

var TheFile : File;




AssignFile( TheFile , ThePath );

Erase( TheFile );


On E:EInOutError do


HandleIOException( EOC_DELETEFILE , ExtractFileName( ThePath ), E.Message , E.ErrorCode );




{ remove a directory }

procedure TFileWork.RemoveDirectory( ThePath : String );




Rmdir( ThePath );


On E:EInOutError do


HandleIOException( EOC_DELETEDIR , ExtractFileName( ThePath ) , E.Message , E.ErrorCode );




{ This procedure handles recursively deleting an entire directory tree }

procedure TFileWork.RecursivelyDeleteDirectory( ThePath : String );


HandleRecursiveAction( ThePath , '' , FAC_DELETE );


procedure TFileWork.HandleRecursiveAction( StartingPath , NewPath : String;

ActionCode : Integer );


Finished : Boolean; { Loop flag }

TheSR : TSearchRec; { Searchrecord for FF/FN }

TheResult : Integer; { return variable }

TargetPath ,

TheWorkingDirectory ,

TheStoredWorkingDirectory ,

ModifiedDirectory : String; { path for FF/FN }

CdNewPath : String;


{ Set up the initial variables }

Finished := false;

TheWorkingDirectory := StartingPath;

TheStoredWorkingDirectory := TheWorkingDirectory;

TheWorkingDirectory := TheWorkingDirectory + '*.*';

TargetPath := ExtractFilePath( TheWorkingDirectory );

TheResult := FindFirst( TheWorkingDirectory , faAnyFile , TheSR );

while not Finished do


TheResult := FindNext( TheSR );

if TheResult <> 0 then finished := true else


if (( FileGetAttr( TargetPath + TheSR.Name ) and faDirectory )

<> faDirectory ) then


DeleteTheFile( TargetPath + TheSR.Name );




Finished := false;

ModifiedDirectory := TheStoredWorkingdirectory + '*.*';

TheResult := FindFirst( ModifiedDirectory , faDirectory , TheSR );

while not Finished do


{ Make call to FindNext, using only SearchRecord from FindFirst }

TheResult := FindNext( TheSR );

{ A -1 result means no more files so exit }

if TheResult <> 0 then

finished := true



if TheSR.Name <> '..' then


if (( FileGetAttr( TargetPath + TheSR.Name ) and faDirectory )

= faDirectory ) then


ModifiedDirectory := TheStoredWorkingDirectory + '' +


CdNewPath := NewPath;

NewPath := NewPath + TheSR.Name;

{ Do the recursive call }

HandleRecursiveAction( ModifiedDirectory , NewPath , ActionCode );

RemoveDirectory( TargetPath + TheSR.Name );

NewPath := CdNewPath;






{ This procedure handles displaying a user-friendly Dialog box with a }

{ Message for Delphi IO exception errors. }

procedure TFileWork.HandleIOException( TheOpCode : Integer;

ThePath : String; TheMessage : String; TheCode : Integer );

var ErrorMessageString : String; { Holds internal data }

OperationString : String; { Holds internal data }


{ clear to check for unrecognized code }

ErrorMessageString := '';

{ Check against imported code }

case TheCode of

2 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not found';

3 : ErrorMessageString := 'Path not found';

4 : ErrorMessageString := 'Too many open files';

5 : ErrorMessageString := 'File access denied';

6 : ErrorMessageString := 'Invalid file handle';

12 : ErrorMessageString := 'Invalid file access code';

15 : ErrorMessageString := 'Invalid drive number';

16 : ErrorMessageString := 'Cannot remove current directory';

17 : ErrorMessageString := 'Cannot rename across drives';

100 : ErrorMessageString := 'Disk read error';

101 : ErrorMessageString := 'Disk write error';

102 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not assigned';

103 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not open';

104 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not open for input';

105 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not open for output';


case TheOpCode of

EOC_CHANGEDIR : OperationString := 'Unable to Change Directory due to ';

EOC_SOURCECOPY : OperationString := 'Unable to Copy due to Source File ';

EOC_DESTCOPY : OperationString := 'Unable to Copy due to Destination File ';

EOC_DELETEFILE : OperationString := 'Unable to Delete File due to ';

EOC_DELETEDIR : OperationString := 'Unable to Delete Directory due to ';

EOC_RENAMEFILE : OperationString := 'Unable to Rename File due to ';

EOC_MAKEDIR : OperationString := 'Unable to Create New Directory due to ';

EOC_SETATTR : OperationString := 'Unable to Set File Attributes due to ';


{ If not recognized use message; not a DOS error; reset cursor for neatness }

if ErrorMessageString = '' then


Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

MessageDlg( OperationString + ExtractFileName( ThePath ) + ' ' +

TheMessage , mtError , [mbOK],0);




{ Recognized DOS exception, reset cursor for neatness }

Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

MessageDlg( OperationString + ExtractFileName( ThePath ) + ' ' +

ErrorMessageString , mtError , [mbOK], 0 );




  • Profile
    글쎄요. 1999.05.21 21:25
    FindFirst,FindNext,Findclose 함수에 대해 델파이가 버그를 가지고 있습니다.

    이 함수가 두군데 unit에 포함되어 있어서 문제가 발생한다고 합니다.(NT에서만)이 함수앞에 SysUtils.을 붙혀 주세요. 그리고 여기를 참고하셔요.


  • Profile
    이정욱 1999.05.21 02:42
    구창민님께서 만드신 디렉토리를 몽땅 날려버리는 소스 입니다.


    글구 질문은 http://www.delphi.co.kr 을 참고해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

    procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

    var Searchrec : TSearchrec;

    dir : string;


    dir := directorylistbox1.getitempath(directorylistbox1.itemindex);


    rmdir(dir); //선택한 디렉토리까지 마저 지운다. 아주 깨끗이


    procedure tform1.deletedirectory(dir : string);

    var Searchrec : TSearchrec;

    i : integer;

    st : string ; //경로조립할 문자열


    st := dir + '*.*';

    findfirst(st, faanyfile, Searchrec);

    i := 0;

    while i = 0 do //정상적으로 찾아내었으면..


    if (Searchrec.Name = '.') or (Searchrec.Name = '..') then


    i := findnext(Searchrec); //다음 디렉토리, 화일을 찾음



    ///////여기서 부터 삭제 시작///////

    if directoryexists(dir + '' + Searchrec.Name) then //찾은 것이 디렉토리이면


    st := dir + '' + Searchrec.Name;


    i := findnext(Searchrec);




    st := dir + '' + Searchrec.Name;


    i := findnext(Searchrec);



    윤미화 wrote:

    > 안녕하세요 ?

    > 저는 인지정보에 근무하는 윤미화라고 합니다

    > 저희 Package(supercel)가 Win95, Win98에서는 잘 도는데요, NT에서는 Error가

    > 나는데 원인을 몰라서 이렇게 도움을 요청하게 되었습니다.

    > 저희는 디렉토리를 지우기 위해 (서브 디렉토리및 파일 포함) RecursivelyDeleteDirectory 라는 함수를 Call하는데요.

    > NT에서는 화일은 지워지는데 디렉토리가 지워지지 않고 에러가 발생합니다.

    > Source file을 첨부하오니 도와주시면 참 많이 감사하겠습니다.

    > unit FileWork;


    > interface


    > uses

    > SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Controls,

    > Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ShellAPI, FileCtrl;


    > const

    > EOC_CHANGEDIR = 1; { Error Operation Code for change directory failure }

    > EOC_SOURCECOPY = 2; { Error Operation Code for source copy failure }

    > EOC_DESTCOPY = 3; { Error Operation Code for destination copy failure }

    > EOC_DELETEFILE = 4; { Error Operation Code for file delete failure }

    > EOC_DELETEDIR = 5; { Error Operation Code for directory delete failure }

    > EOC_RENAMEFILE = 6; { Error Operation Code for renaming failure }

    > EOC_MAKEDIR = 7; { Error Operation Code for MkDir failure }

    > EOC_SETATTR = 8; { Error Operation Code for Set Attributes failure }


    > FAC_COPY = 1; { File Action Code for recursive copying }

    > FAC_MOVE = 2; { File Action Code for recursive moving }

    > FAC_DELETE = 3; { File Action Code for recursive deletion }

    > type

    > TFileWork = class( TComponent )

    > public


    > procedure HandleIOException( TheOpCode : Integer; ThePath : String;

    > TheMessage : String; TheCode : Integer );


    > procedure DeleteTheFile( ThePath : String );

    > procedure RemoveDirectory( ThePath : String );

    > procedure RecursivelyDeleteDirectory( ThePath : String );

    > procedure HandleRecursiveAction( StartingPath , NewPath : String;

    > ActionCode : Integer );

    > end;


    > implementation



    > { deletes a single file }

    > procedure TFileWork.DeleteTheFile( ThePath : String );

    > var TheFile : File;

    > begin

    > {$I+}

    > try

    > AssignFile( TheFile , ThePath );

    > Erase( TheFile );

    > except

    > On E:EInOutError do

    > begin

    > HandleIOException( EOC_DELETEFILE , ExtractFileName( ThePath ), E.Message , E.ErrorCode );

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;



    > { remove a directory }

    > procedure TFileWork.RemoveDirectory( ThePath : String );

    > begin

    > {$I+}

    > try

    > Rmdir( ThePath );

    > except

    > On E:EInOutError do

    > begin

    > HandleIOException( EOC_DELETEDIR , ExtractFileName( ThePath ) , E.Message , E.ErrorCode );

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;



    > { This procedure handles recursively deleting an entire directory tree }

    > procedure TFileWork.RecursivelyDeleteDirectory( ThePath : String );

    > begin

    > HandleRecursiveAction( ThePath , '' , FAC_DELETE );

    > end;




    > procedure TFileWork.HandleRecursiveAction( StartingPath , NewPath : String;

    > ActionCode : Integer );

    > var

    > Finished : Boolean; { Loop flag }

    > TheSR : TSearchRec; { Searchrecord for FF/FN }

    > TheResult : Integer; { return variable }

    > TargetPath ,

    > TheWorkingDirectory ,

    > TheStoredWorkingDirectory ,

    > ModifiedDirectory : String; { path for FF/FN }

    > CdNewPath : String;

    > begin

    > { Set up the initial variables }

    > Finished := false;

    > TheWorkingDirectory := StartingPath;

    > TheStoredWorkingDirectory := TheWorkingDirectory;

    > TheWorkingDirectory := TheWorkingDirectory + '*.*';

    > TargetPath := ExtractFilePath( TheWorkingDirectory );

    > TheResult := FindFirst( TheWorkingDirectory , faAnyFile , TheSR );

    > while not Finished do

    > begin

    > TheResult := FindNext( TheSR );

    > if TheResult <> 0 then finished := true else

    > begin

    > if (( FileGetAttr( TargetPath + TheSR.Name ) and faDirectory )

    > <> faDirectory ) then

    > begin

    > DeleteTheFile( TargetPath + TheSR.Name );

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;


    > Finished := false;

    > ModifiedDirectory := TheStoredWorkingdirectory + '*.*';

    > TheResult := FindFirst( ModifiedDirectory , faDirectory , TheSR );

    > while not Finished do

    > begin

    > { Make call to FindNext, using only SearchRecord from FindFirst }

    > TheResult := FindNext( TheSR );

    > { A -1 result means no more files so exit }

    > if TheResult <> 0 then

    > finished := true

    > else

    > begin

    > if TheSR.Name <> '..' then

    > begin

    > if (( FileGetAttr( TargetPath + TheSR.Name ) and faDirectory )

    > = faDirectory ) then

    > begin

    > ModifiedDirectory := TheStoredWorkingDirectory + '' +

    > TheSR.Name;


    > CdNewPath := NewPath;

    > NewPath := NewPath + TheSR.Name;


    > { Do the recursive call }

    > HandleRecursiveAction( ModifiedDirectory , NewPath , ActionCode );

    > RemoveDirectory( TargetPath + TheSR.Name );

    > NewPath := CdNewPath;

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;




    > { This procedure handles displaying a user-friendly Dialog box with a }

    > { Message for Delphi IO exception errors. }

    > procedure TFileWork.HandleIOException( TheOpCode : Integer;

    > ThePath : String; TheMessage : String; TheCode : Integer );

    > var ErrorMessageString : String; { Holds internal data }

    > OperationString : String; { Holds internal data }

    > begin

    > { clear to check for unrecognized code }

    > ErrorMessageString := '';

    > { Check against imported code }

    > case TheCode of

    > 2 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not found';

    > 3 : ErrorMessageString := 'Path not found';

    > 4 : ErrorMessageString := 'Too many open files';

    > 5 : ErrorMessageString := 'File access denied';

    > 6 : ErrorMessageString := 'Invalid file handle';

    > 12 : ErrorMessageString := 'Invalid file access code';

    > 15 : ErrorMessageString := 'Invalid drive number';

    > 16 : ErrorMessageString := 'Cannot remove current directory';

    > 17 : ErrorMessageString := 'Cannot rename across drives';

    > 100 : ErrorMessageString := 'Disk read error';

    > 101 : ErrorMessageString := 'Disk write error';

    > 102 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not assigned';

    > 103 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not open';

    > 104 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not open for input';

    > 105 : ErrorMessageString := 'File not open for output';

    > end;

    > case TheOpCode of

    > EOC_CHANGEDIR : OperationString := 'Unable to Change Directory due to ';

    > EOC_SOURCECOPY : OperationString := 'Unable to Copy due to Source File ';

    > EOC_DESTCOPY : OperationString := 'Unable to Copy due to Destination File ';

    > EOC_DELETEFILE : OperationString := 'Unable to Delete File due to ';

    > EOC_DELETEDIR : OperationString := 'Unable to Delete Directory due to ';

    > EOC_RENAMEFILE : OperationString := 'Unable to Rename File due to ';

    > EOC_MAKEDIR : OperationString := 'Unable to Create New Directory due to ';

    > EOC_SETATTR : OperationString := 'Unable to Set File Attributes due to ';

    > end;

    > { If not recognized use message; not a DOS error; reset cursor for neatness }

    > if ErrorMessageString = '' then

    > begin

    > Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

    > MessageDlg( OperationString + ExtractFileName( ThePath ) + ' ' +

    > TheMessage , mtError , [mbOK],0);

    > end

    > else

    > begin

    > { Recognized DOS exception, reset cursor for neatness }

    > Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

    > MessageDlg( OperationString + ExtractFileName( ThePath ) + ' ' +

    > ErrorMessageString , mtError , [mbOK], 0 );

    > end;

    > end;


    > end.

  • Profile
    안치봉 1999.05.21 02:41
    >> 답변

    글쎄요. NT는 안써봐서......흠~~~

    바보같은 답변일지는 모르지만 혹~ 폴더의 속성이 읽기전용으로 되어 있는건 아닌지요??? - 너무 바보같은 답변인가요. -.-;;

    아니면 아래의 문제일수도...

    RmDir removes the subdirectory with the path specified by S. If the path does not exist, is non-empty, or is the currently logged directory, an I/O error occurs.