• <> 은 무얼 뜻하는지요?

CellBuf := sgrid.Cells[col,row];

if (CellBuf <> '') then CellBuf := useFunc.CheckIfNum(CellBuf);

if (Row <> 0 ) then


tmpLeft := Rect.Right - sgrid.Canvas.TextWidth(CellBuf)

- 2;


sgrid.Canvas.TextOut(tmpLeft, Rect.top+5,CellBuf);



위의 내용을 보면 <> 표시가 나오는데,, 책을 뒤져보면 A<>B 의 뜻은

A와 B가 다르면 참을 되돌리고 아니면 거짓을 되돌린다고 나왔는데..

도대체가 무슨 말인지 모르겠습니다.

자세한 설명 부탁드립니다.

  • Profile
    안치봉 1999.07.11 23:34
    The types of operands and results for relational operations are shown in the following table.

    Operator type Operation Operand types Result type

    = equal compatible simple, class, class reference, pointer, set, string, packed string, or variant types Boolean

    <> not equal compatible simple, class, class reference, pointer, set, string, packed string, or variant types Boolean

    < less than compatible simple, string, packed string, PChar, or variant types Boolean

    > greater than compatible simple, string, packed string, PChar, or variant types Boolean

    <= less than or equal to compatible simple, string, packed string, PChar, or variant types Boolean

    >= greater than or equal to compatible simple, string, packed string, PChar, or variant types Boolean

    <= subset of compatible set types Boolean

    >= superset of compatible set types Boolean

    in member of left operand, any ordinal type T; right operand, set whose base is compatible with T Boolean

    최선기 께서 말씀하시기를...

    > begin

    > CellBuf := sgrid.Cells[col,row];

    > if (CellBuf <> '') then CellBuf := useFunc.CheckIfNum(CellBuf);

    > if (Row <> 0 ) then

    > begin

    > tmpLeft := Rect.Right - sgrid.Canvas.TextWidth(CellBuf)

    > - 2;

    > sgrid.Canvas.FillRect(Rect);

    > sgrid.Canvas.TextOut(tmpLeft, Rect.top+5,CellBuf);

    > end;

    > end;


    > 위의 내용을 보면 <> 표시가 나오는데,, 책을 뒤져보면 A<>B 의 뜻은

    > A와 B가 다르면 참을 되돌리고 아니면 거짓을 되돌린다고 나왔는데..

    > 도대체가 무슨 말인지 모르겠습니다.


    > 자세한 설명 부탁드립니다.