• QuickReport사용하여 DBGrid에 있는 내용을 프린터하기
DBGrid의 내용이 아래와 같다면,

PartNumber   PartName     PartImage
10-00001-00   test1             test1.jpg
10-00002-00   test2             test2.jpg

이것을 다음과 같이 파일명 대신 그림을 직접 프린터하고 싶습니다.
PartNumber   PartName     PartImage
10-00001-00   test1             test1.jpg그림
10-00002-00   test2             test2.jpg그림

델은 초보라 DBGrid의 내용을 프린터하는 방법은 Delphi3000에서 받아 사용하고 있는데 일부수정했지만 똑같은 그림(test1.jpg)만 그려집니다. 어디에 문제가 있는지 아래의 소스를 살펴주십시오.

procedure ?????.Preview(Grid: TDBGrid);
  i, CurrentLeft, CurrentTop : integer;
  str : string;


  if not QuickRep1.Bands.HasColumnHeader then

  if not QuickRep1.Bands.HasDetail then

  QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Height:=Abs(Grid.TitleFont.Height) + 10;
  QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand.Height:=Abs(Grid.Font.Height) + 100;
  CurrentLeft := 12;
  CurrentTop := 6;

  {Don't let the grid flicker while the report is running}
    for i:=0 to Grid.FieldCount - 2 do
      if (CurrentLeft + Canvas.TextWidth(Grid.Columns[i].Title.Caption)) >
        (QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Width) then
        CurrentLeft := 12;
        CurrentTop := CurrentTop + Canvas.TextHeight('A') + 6;
        QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Height := QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Height +
          (Canvas.TextHeight('A') + 10);
        QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand.Height := QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand.Height +
          (Canvas.TextHeight('A') + 10);
      {Create Header with QRLabels}
      with TQRLabel.Create(QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand) do
        Parent := QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand;
        Color := QuickRep1.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Color;
        Left := CurrentLeft;
        Top := CurrentTop;
      {Create Detail with QRDBText}
      with TQRDbText.Create(QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand) do
        Parent := QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand;
        Color := QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand.Color;
        Left := CurrentLeft;
        Top := CurrentTop;
        CurrentLeft:=CurrentLeft + (Grid.Columns[i].Width) + 15;

      i := Grid.FieldCount - 1;
      with TQRImage.Create(QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand) do
        Parent := QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand;
        Color := QuickRep1.Bands.DetailBand.Color;
        Left := CurrentLeft;
        Top := CurrentTop;

        Height := 105;
        Left := 872;
        Top := 1;
        Width := 161;

        Size.Height := 25;
        Size.Left := 200;
        Size.Top := 1;
        Size.Width := 34;
        Stretch := true;

        str := Grid.Fields[i].AsString;
        str := 'c:picture' + str
//편집 끝.

    {After all, call the QuickRep preview method}
    QuickRep1.PreviewModal; {or Preview if you prefer}

    with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do