VC++에서 만든 dll을 호출시
CALLBACK 선언을 없애고(아래 예제 참고)
function EdrCenterText(hdc:HDC;prc:PRect;pString:PChar):boolean; cdecl; external 'EDRLIB.DLL';
라고 선언해야만 DLL 함수가 호출되거든요
cdecl선언만 호출되고 stdcall 인자를 넣으면 함수가 호출되지않는
이유를 몰라서 질문합니다.
////////////////헤더 선언부분 변경전///////////////////////
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXPORT extern "C" __declspec (dllexport)
#define EXPORT __declspec (dllexport)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define EdrCenterText EdrCenterTextW
#define EdrCenterText EdrCenterTextA
////////////////헤더 선언부분 변경후///////////////////////
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXPORT extern "C" __declspec (dllexport)
#define EXPORT __declspec (dllexport)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define EdrCenterText EdrCenterTextW
#define EdrCenterText EdrCenterTextA
When you declare a procedure or function, you can specify a calling convention using one of the directives register, pascal, cdecl, stdcall, and safecall. For example,
function MyFunction(X, Y: Real): Real; cdecl;
Calling conventions determine the order in which parameters are passed to the routine. They also affect the removal of parameters from the stack, the use of registers for passing parameters, and error and exception handling. The default calling convention is register.
The register and pascal conventions pass parameters from left to right; that is, the left most parameter is evaluated and passed first and the rightmost parameter is evaluated and passed last. The cdecl, stdcall, and safecall conventions pass parameters from right to left.
For all conventions except cdecl, the procedure or function removes parameters from the stack upon returning. With the cdecl convention, the caller removes parameters from the stack when the call returns.
The register convention uses up to three CPU registers to pass parameters, while the other conventions pass all parameters on the stack.
The safecall convention implements exception "firewalls." On Windows, this implements interprocess COM error notification.
The table below summarizes calling conventions.
Calling conventions
Directive Parameter order Clean-up Passes parameters in registers?
register Left-to-right Routine Yes
pascal Left-to-right Routine No
cdecl Right-to-left Caller No
stdcall Right-to-left Routine No
safecall Right-to-left Routine No
The default register convention is the most efficient, since it usually avoids creation of a stack frame. (Access methods for published properties must use register.) The cdecl convention is useful when you call functions from shared libraries written in C or C++, while stdcall and safecall are recommended, in general, for calls to external code. On Windows, the operating system APIs are stdcall and safecall. Other operating systems generally use cdecl. (Note that stdcall is more efficient than cdecl.)
The safecall convention must be used for declaring dual-interface methods. The pascal convention is maintained for backward compatibility. For more information on calling conventions, see Program control.
The directives near, far, and export refer to calling conventions in 16-bit Windows programming. They have no effect in 32-bit applications and are maintained for backward compatibility only.
Exports from EDRLIB.dll
1 exported name(s), 1 export addresse(s). Ordinal base is 1.
Sorted by Name:
RVA Ord. Hint Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
0000100C 1 0000 _EdrCenterText@12
tdump edrlib.dll을 실행한 결과 - cdecl 또는 인자없이 실행한 경우
Exports from EDRLIB.dll
1 exported name(s), 1 export addresse(s). Ordinal base is 1.
Sorted by Name:
RVA Ord. Hint Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
0000100C 1 0000 EdrCenterText
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