• 파라독스에서 키를 추가하는 sql명령어??
파라독스에서 이미 만들어진 테이블에 키를 추가할려면 sql명령어가 어떻게 되나여?
제가 하는것중에 다른업체에서 만들때 키를 잡아서 만들면 좋은데
그걸 알아서 하라고 하네여..쿼리로 어케 키를 설정못하나여...ㅠㅠ
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    nilriri™ 2003.12.02 22:59

    CREATE INDEX enables users to create indexes on tables using the following syntax:

    CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column [, column ...])

    Using CREATE INDEX is the only way to create indexes for dBASE tables. For example, the following statement creates an index on a dBASE table:

    CREATE INDEX NAMEX ON "employee.dbf" (LAST_NAME)

    Paradox table users can create only secondary indexes with CREATE INDEX. Primary Paradox indexes can be created only by specifying a PRIMARY KEY constraint when creating a new table with CREATE TABLE.

    Note:        The index created in nonmaintained, nonunique, not case-sensitive, and in ascending order. If the table has a primary key, then a maintained index is created.