• Win2000, NT에서 DBChart,Chart,QRChart 사용시 Error
Windows2000 Server, Windows NT Server 4.0에서 DBChart,Chart,QRChart사용시에

TeEngine에서 무쟈게 많은 에러가 납니다..

Hint건 Error이건 다 적에 보겠습니다... TeEngine.Pas파일에서 Error가 납니다...

무슨 Error지 해결책은 없는지.. 알려주세요...

Windows98에서는 않해봤는데.. 해보신분의 말씀을 들어보면.. 된다고 하시는군요...

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(130): Overriding virtual method 'TChartValueList.Assign' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TPersistent' (public)

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(205): Overriding virtual method 'TChartAxisTitle.Assign' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TChartFontObject' (public)

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(456): Overriding virtual method 'TCustomChartLegend.Assign' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TChartFontObject' (public)

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(574): Overriding virtual method 'TCustomAxisPanel.Assign' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TCustomTeePanel' (public)

[Error] TEENGINE.PAS(578): Declaration of 'GetChildren' differs from previous declaration

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(688): Overriding virtual method 'TSeriesMarks.Assign' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TPersistent' (public)

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(727): Overriding virtual method 'TTeeFunction.GetParentComponent' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TComponent' (public)

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(732): Overriding virtual method 'TTeeFunction.HasParent' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TComponent' (public)

[Error] TEENGINE.PAS(868): Declaration of 'GetChildren' differs from previous declaration

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(869): Overriding virtual method 'TChartSeries.GetParentComponent' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TComponent' (public)

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(877): Overriding virtual method 'TChartSeries.HasParent' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TComponent' (public)

[Error] TEENGINE.PAS(1658): Not enough actual parameters

[Error] TEENGINE.PAS(5616): Not enough actual parameters

[Hint] TEENGINE.PAS(782): Private symbol 'FStyle' declared but never used

[Fatal Error] TEEMAIN.PAS(13): Could not compile used unit 'TeEngine.pas'