Project ORAconBooking.exe raised exception class EDatabaseError with message 'Query1: Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset'. Process stopper. Use Step or Run to continue
> Project ORAconBooking.exe raised exception class EDatabaseError with message 'Query1: Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset'. Process stopper. Use Step or Run to continue
> > Project ORAconBooking.exe raised exception class EDatabaseError with message 'Query1: Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset'. Process stopper. Use Step or Run to continue
2 Query1.SQL.Clear;
3 Query1.SQL.Add('update booking set bookunitprice = :s3');
4 Query1.SQL.Add('where bookitem = :s4 and itemnameno = :s5');
5 Query1.ParamByName('s3').Value := Query2.FieldByName('ItemUP').asFloat;
6 Query1.ParamByName('s4').Value := DBEdit2.text;
7 Query1.ParamByName('s5').Value := Query1.FieldByName('itemnameno').asInteger;
8 Query1.ExecSQL;
....... 7번째 라인이 Query1 에서 'itemnameno'값을 가져오시네염...
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