• [급질문] 써드파티 API (C 문장)를 Delphi로 구현 @.@
FUNCTION: OpenDriver


WORD OpenDriver(HINSTANCE, hInst

HWND hWndParent

POINT* pStartPos)

HINSTANCE Instance handle of the calling application.

HWND Handle to the parent window where the preview will be displayed.

POINT* Starting offset in client coordinates relative to the parent

where preview will begin.

를 Delphi 문장으로 바꾸려는데 ...

function OpenDriver(hInst: HINSTANCE; hWndParent: HWND; pStartPos: POINT): integer;

이렇게 바꾸었는데 Compile시 Error 가(unit SysInit도 컴파일시 에러메세지가 나오고)....부탁드립니다