RAS콤포넌트를 델파이에 등록을 못하고있습니다.
델파이5를 쓰고 있구요..
제가 영어 실력이 엄청 딸려서...
밑에 인스톨 방법이 있긴 하지만 ...안되네여..어떻게 하라는건지 자세하게 부탁드립니당.
Since TMagRas does need design time properties, it need not be installed
on the component bar as such, but may be created in the application as
needed, as shown in the RASDEMO4 program. However the seven example
programs do require TMagRas to be properly installed.
TMagRas is supplied in a zip file with common files such as the Help and
API sources in the root, the demo and example programs in /DEMO, and
three further directories containing the DCU/RES/DPK files for Delphi 3,
4 and 5.
To install the component, the files from the root and from ONE of the
Delphi directories should be copied into the same library directory,
typically a common directory used for third party components (like
LIBMISC). This directory needs to be added to the Delphi Library Path
in Tools, Environment Options. The MAGRASx0.DPK package file (where x
is the compiler version) should then be opened from File/Open. Make
sure the DCP Output directory is the same as the DPK (in Options or
Environment Options), then compile the package, and it should be
automatically installed onto the Component palette. Once installed,
open and compile one the example programs to check for errors.
델파이 표준폴더(LIB폴더같은곳)나, 새로운 폴더를 하나 만들어서 그곳에 컴포넌트 파일
들을 카피하고 Tools/Environment Options메뉴의 Library Path에 폴더를 추가하고 버전
에 맞는 MAGRASx0.DPK란 이름을 가진 패키지를 열어서 컴파일하면 자동적으로 컴포넌트
팔레트에 나타난다는 내용입니다.
^^ 항상 즐코하세요...
시도당 wrote:
> RAS콤포넌트를 델파이에 등록을 못하고있습니다.
> 델파이5를 쓰고 있구요..
> 제가 영어 실력이 엄청 딸려서...
> 밑에 인스톨 방법이 있긴 하지만 ...안되네여..어떻게 하라는건지 자세하게 부탁드립니당.
> ==========================================
> Installation
> ------------
> Since TMagRas does need design time properties, it need not be installed
> on the component bar as such, but may be created in the application as
> needed, as shown in the RASDEMO4 program. However the seven example
> programs do require TMagRas to be properly installed.
> TMagRas is supplied in a zip file with common files such as the Help and
> API sources in the root, the demo and example programs in /DEMO, and
> three further directories containing the DCU/RES/DPK files for Delphi 3,
> 4 and 5.
> To install the component, the files from the root and from ONE of the
> Delphi directories should be copied into the same library directory,
> typically a common directory used for third party components (like
> LIBMISC). This directory needs to be added to the Delphi Library Path
> in Tools, Environment Options. The MAGRASx0.DPK package file (where x
> is the compiler version) should then be opened from File/Open. Make
> sure the DCP Output directory is the same as the DPK (in Options or
> Environment Options), then compile the package, and it should be
> automatically installed onto the Component palette. Once installed,
> open and compile one the example programs to check for errors.