요즘 날씨 참 변덕스럽죠?
한마디로 짜증이죠....ㅡㅡ#
다름이 아니라
for tx := 0 to ImageRotated.Width - 1 do
for ty := 0 to ImageRotated.Height - 1 do
If (GetRValue(ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty]) > spinRGB1.Value) and
(GetGValue(ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty]) > spinRGB1.Value) and
(GetBValue(ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty]) > spinRGB1.Value) then
ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty] := clWhite;
이렇게 for문을 돌려서 각 픽셀의 색깔을 바
> for tx := 0 to ImageRotated.Width - 1 do
> for ty := 0 to ImageRotated.Height - 1 do
> If (GetRValue(ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty]) > spinRGB1.Value) and
> (GetGValue(ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty]) > spinRGB1.Value) and
> (GetBValue(ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty]) > spinRGB1.Value) then
> ImageRotated.Canvas.Pixels[tx, ty] := clWhite;
> 이렇게 for문을 돌려서 각 픽셀의 색깔을 바