• 동적생성시 메모리에서 해제 하려면요?

  정적으로 Dll 파일을 호출하여 해제하면 메모리에 재대로 해제 되는 것

같은 되요 동적으로 생성해서 호출 하면 계속 메모리가 8k 정도 증가 하내요.

제가 동적 호출에서 뭘 잘 못하고 있는 건가요?

아래는 동적 호출하는 부분입니다.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  TProc = procedure; stdcall;
  Handle : THandle;
  MyProc : TProc;

  Handle := LoadLibrary('DllHelp.dll');
  @MyProc := GetProcAddress(Handle,'frmHelpShowModal');

  • Profile
    이중철 2004.07.23 02:58
    PB 사이트에서 퍼왔어요
    이문제는 델파이도 같아요
    즉, DLL 내부에서 DLL_PROCESS_DETACH 할때 별도의 작업을
    해야 한다는 겁니다.
    어차피 어플이 종료될때는 같이 없어집니다.
    그러나 메인어플에서 반복적으로 Load와 Free를 한다면 문제이겠죠

    R&D have confirmed that DLL's created with PB/DLL 6.x, and which are explicitly loaded and unloaded repeatedly (using the LoadLibrary() and FreeLibrary() API calls), may experience a small memory leak, equal to the size of the environment table (typically around 1.5Kb) with each DLL load/unload cycle. The problem is evident on the Windows NT/2000/XP platforms only.
    The accumulated leak is fully cleared when the main application (Process) terminates, but low memory conditions can occur if a very large number of load/unload cycles occurs in that time.

    The cause of the leak has been traced to a failure of the DLL to release the memory held by its [local] copy of the environment strings table, at the point when the DLL unloads.

    Important: The problem affects only applications that load such DLL's in a repeated and dynamic manner. Implicitly linked DLL's will not be a source of problems as memory is released correctly during process termination.

    Inserting a small procedure into LIBMAIN/DLLMAIN function can solve the problem. An example DLL code template follows:

    #COMPILE DLL#DIM ALL DECLARE FUNCTION FreeEnvironmentStrings LIB "KERNEL32.DLL" _    ALIAS "FreeEnvironmentStringsA" (lpsz AS ASCIIZ) AS LONG%DLL_PROCESS_DETACH = 0 FUNCTION LIBMAIN (BYVAL hInstance AS LONG, _                  BYVAL wReason AS LONG, _                  BYVAL wHeapSize AS LONG) EXPORT AS LONG    DIM x&    IF wReason = %DLL_PROCESS_DETACH THEN        x& = 0        DIALOG DOEVENTS        ! mov eax, [ebx][&h6C]        ! mov x&, eax        CALL FreeEnvironmentStrings(BYVAL x&)    END IF     LIBMAIN = 1END FUNCTION
    Note: PowerBASIC will be incorporating this correction into all future versions of the compiler