type TDefaultMonitor = (dmDesktop, dmPrimary, dmMainForm, dmActiveForm);
property DefaultMonitor: TDefaultMonitor;
dmDesktop No attempt is made to position the form on a specific monitor.
dmPrimary The form is positioned on the first monitor listed
in the global screen object´ s Monitors property.
dmMainForm The form appears on the same monitor as the application´ s main form.
dmActiveForm The form appears on the same monitor as the currently active form.
안녕하세요. DefaultMonitor는
폼이 나타날 모니터를 지정하는 것입니다.
dmPrimary는 폼을 나타낼 수 있는 모니터 중
목록의 첫번째 모니터에 나타내겠다는 것이구요..
도움말에 자세히 나와있네요 ^_^
Specifies the monitor on which the form appears.
type TDefaultMonitor = (dmDesktop, dmPrimary, dmMainForm, dmActiveForm);
property DefaultMonitor: TDefaultMonitor;
dmDesktop No attempt is made to position the form on a specific monitor.
dmPrimary The form is positioned on the first monitor listed
in the global screen object´ s Monitors property.
dmMainForm The form appears on the same monitor as the application´ s main form.
dmActiveForm The form appears on the same monitor as the currently active form.