• MYDAC시 오류 메세지에 대해서
function TfrmTransMGR.GetLeastConvPCNo : Integer;
  i            : Integer;
  j            : Integer;
  CurCount     : Integer;
  leastNo      : Integer;
  intCountFile : Integer;
  CurNo        : Integer;
  intSum       : Integer;
  bFound       : Boolean;

  Result   := -1;
  CurCount := 1000;
  leastNo  := 0;
  intSum   := 0;    
      G_CurCountCheckTime := GetTickCount;

      if PC_DBConnet then
        My_etc_Query.SQL.Text := 'select * from pc_list_high where enable = 1 and enable_cnt >= current_count order by enable_cnt desc, current_count asc'; //사양 좋은 컴이 먼저 쿼리된다.
        WritePRGLogforMGR( 69, 'GetLeastConvPCNo Conection Error' );

      //pc_list 등록된 변환 PC가 없다면
      if My_etc_Query.RecordCount = 0 then
        WritePRGLogforMGR( 69, 'pc_list_high Record Count Zero..' );

      bFound := False;

      for i := 0 to  My_etc_Query.RecordCount -1 do
        for j := 0 to Length(G_Socket) - 1 do
          if ( My_etc_Query.FieldByName('enable').AsInteger = 1 )
              and (Trim(G_Socket[j].Host) = Trim(My_etc_Query.FieldByName('ip').AsString))
              and (Trim(G_Socket[j].Host) <> G_LastCMD_IP )
              and (My_etc_Query.FieldByName('current_count').AsInteger <=  My_etc_Query.FieldByName('enable_cnt').AsInteger)  //1개 여유분
            if G_Socket[j].Client.Connected and ( G_Socket[j].Status = S_CONNECTED ) then
              Result       := j;
              bFound       := True;
              G_LastCMD_IP :=  Trim(G_Socket[j].Host); //맨 마지막에 처리했던 Host정보를 넘겨준다.
              WritePRGLogforMGR( 69, 'GetLeastConvPCNo Found PC. PC No = '+ IntToStr(j) + ' IP = ' + My_etc_Query.FieldByName('ip').AsString );

        if bFound then Break;

      if not bFound then
        Result := -1;

      //아래 로직은 현재 변환개수와 대기개수를 로그로 표시하기 위한 로직
      bFound := False;
      CurNo  := 0;

      //DB커서를 처음으로 돌린다.

      for i := 0 to  My_etc_Query.RecordCount - 1 do
        //현재 모든 PC에서 변환하고 있는 개수를 누적한다.
        intSum := intSum + My_etc_Query.FieldByName('current_count').AsInteger;

        for j := 0 to Length(G_Socket) - 1 do
          if Trim(G_Socket[j].Host) = Trim(My_etc_Query.FieldByName('ip').AsString) then
            bFound := True;
            CurNo  := j;

        if not bFound then Continue;

        if (My_etc_Query.FieldByName('enable').AsInteger = 1 )  then
          G_Socket[ CurNo ].Enable       := True;
          G_Socket[ CurNo ].CurConvCount := My_etc_Query.FieldByName('current_count').AsInteger;

          //연결되어 있지 않으면 다시 연결해본다.
          if not G_Socket[ CurNo ].Client.Connected then
              G_Socket[CurNo].Client.Host := G_Socket[CurNo].Host;
              G_Socket[CurNo].Client.Port := G_Socket[CurNo].Port;
              WritePRGLogforMGR( i, 'Convert Socket Connected Sock2' );
              on E : Exception do
                WriteErrLogforMGR( i, 'IP ' + G_Socket[CurNo].Host + ' : ' + E.Message );
          WriteCurConvLogforMGR( 'Enable Converting Count=' + IntToStr(G_Socket[ CurNo ].CurConvCount) + ', IP=' + My_etc_Query.FieldByName('ip').AsString );
          G_Socket[ CurNo ].Enable := False;
          WriteCurConvLogforMGR( 'Unable PC IP=' + My_etc_Query.FieldByName('ip').AsString );


      on E : Exception do
        WritePRGLogforMGR( 225, 'GetLeastConvPCNo 1 Error=' + E.Message );
    G_CurConv  := intSum;
    WritePRGLogforMGR( 225, 'G_CurConv  count=' + IntToStr(G_CurConv) );
    intNowPCNo := leastNo;

  //왜 두번 하는지 모르겠음  unknown
    for i := 0 to Length(G_Socket) - 1 do
        intCountFile := 0;
        for j := 0 to Length(G_Socket[i].ConvFiles) - 1 do
          if G_Socket[i].Enable and G_Socket[i].Client.Connected and (G_Socket[i].Status = S_CONNECTED ) and
            ( (G_Socket[i].ConvFiles[j].SockData.Status = F_FLVCONVERTING)  or (G_Socket[i].ConvFiles[j].SockData.Status = F_MP4CONVERTING) ) then

        if G_Socket[i].Client.Connected and (G_Socket[i].Status = S_CONNECTED) and ( intCountFile <= CurCount)  then
          CurCount := intCountFile;
          leastNo  := i;

        on E : Exception do
          WritePRGLogforMGR( 225, 'GetLeastConvPCNo 2 Error=' + E.Message );
    WriteCurConvLogforMGR( 'Total Converting Count=' + IntToStr(G_CurConv) + ', Wating List Count=' + IntToStr(G_QconvList.Count) );
    on E : Exception do
      WritePRGLogforMGR( 225, 'GetLeastConvPCNo 3 Error=' + E.Message);



위의 코드에서

2009-06-10 23:59:59 Sock No = 225 GetLeastConvPCNo 1 Error=Assertion failure (D:\Projects\Delphi\Mydac\Source\MySqlNet.pas, line 577)

아래와 같은 로그가 찍힙니다..

Assertion failure (D:\Projects\Delphi\Mydac\Source\MySqlNet.pas, line 577)

이 부분이 무슨 예외를 말하는지 모르겠네요??

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