• [re] Win32_LogicalDisk정보중 VolumeSerialnumber로 장치을 찾을수 있는지요
  쩝.. 자답입니다. MSDN에 다 있네요 ㅜㅜ
난잡이며..... 나오는것까미나 본다고 막 한것이니.... 욕하지 마세요 &&
CDROM은 이제 해봐야겠네요.
procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  intC, intD : integer;
  tmpStr : string;
  pStrings : TStrings;
  tmpStrings : TStrings;
  intPhyicalDeviceIdx : integer;
  intPartitionDeviceIdx : integer;
  pNode, pNodeDrive : TTreeNode;

  function getCaptionToIdx( zListView : TListView; zValue : string ) : integer;
    intC : integer;
    for intC := 0 to zListView.Items.Count - 1 do
      if (strComp( pChar( upperCase( zListView.Items[ intC ].Caption ) ), pChar( upperCase( zValue ) ) ) = 0) then begin
        result := intC;

  function getDeviceIDToNode( zTreeView : TTreeView; zValue : string ) : TTreeNode;
    intC : integer;
    pStrings : TStrings;
    result := nil;
    for intC := 0 to (zTreeView.Items.Count - 1) do begin
      if (zTreeView.Items[ intC ].Level = 0) then begin
        pStrings := zTreeView.Items[ intC ].Data;

        if (strComp( pChar( upperCase( pStrings.Values[\'DeviceID\'] ) ), pChar( upperCase( zValue ) ) ) = 0) then begin
          result := zTreeView.Items[ intC ];


  proResult( ListView1, \'Win32_DiskDrive\' );
  for intC := 0 to (ListView1.Columns.Count - 2) do begin
    pStrings := TSTringList.Create;

    pStrings.Values[\'Model\']    := ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'Model\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ];
    pStrings.Values[\'DeviceID\'] := RightStr( ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'DeviceID\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ], Length( ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'DeviceID\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ] ) - 4);

    TreeView1.Items.AddObject( nil, ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'Caption\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ], pStrings );

  proResult( ListView1, \'Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition\' );
  for intC := 0 to (ListView1.Columns.Count - 2) do begin
    pStrings    := TSTringList.Create;
    tmpStrings  := TStringList.Create;

    tmpStrings.Delimiter := \'\\\';
    tmpStrings.StrictDelimiter := true;
    tmpStrings.DelimitedText := ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'Antecedent\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ];
    pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'] := LeftStr( tmpStrings.Strings[ tmpStrings.Count - 1 ], Length( tmpStrings.Strings[ tmpStrings.Count - 1 ] ) - 1);

    tmpStrings.Delimiter := \'\"\';
    tmpStrings.StrictDelimiter := true;
    tmpStrings.DelimitedText := ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'Dependent\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ];
    pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'] := tmpStrings.Strings[ tmpStrings.Count - 2 ];

    pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'] := StringReplace( pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'], \' \', \'\', [rfReplaceAll]);
    pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'] := StringReplace( pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'], \'#\', \'-\', [rfReplaceAll]);

    pNode := getDeviceIDToNode( TreeView1, pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'] );
    TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject( pNode, pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'], pStrings );

  proResult( ListView1, \'Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition\' );
  for intC := 0 to (ListView1.Columns.Count - 2) do begin
    pStrings    := TSTringList.Create;
    tmpStrings  := TStringList.Create;

    tmpStrings.Delimiter := \'\"\';
    tmpStrings.StrictDelimiter := true;
    tmpStrings.DelimitedText := ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'Antecedent\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ];
    pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'] := tmpStrings.Strings[ tmpStrings.Count - 2 ];

    pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'] := StringReplace( pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'], \' \', \'\', [rfReplaceAll]);
    pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'] := StringReplace( pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'], \'#\', \'-\', [rfReplaceAll]);

    tmpStrings.Delimiter := \'\"\';
    tmpStrings.StrictDelimiter := true;
    tmpStrings.DelimitedText := ListView1.Items[ getCaptionToIdx(ListView1, \'Dependent\') ].SubItems.Strings[ intC ];
    pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'] := tmpStrings.Strings[ tmpStrings.Count - 2 ];

    tmpStrings.Delimiter := \',\';
    tmpStrings.StrictDelimiter := true;
    tmpStrings.DelimitedText := pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\'];

    tmpStr := tmpStrings.Strings[ 0 ];
    intPhyicalDeviceIdx := strToint( RightStr( tmpStr, Length( tmpStr ) - Pos( \'-\', tmpStr ) ) );

    tmpStr := tmpStrings.Strings[ 1 ];
    intPartitionDeviceIdx := strToint( RightStr( tmpStr, Length( tmpStr ) - Pos( \'-\', tmpStr ) ) );

    pNode := getDeviceIDToNode( TreeView1, \'physicaldrive\' + IntToStr( intPhyicalDeviceIdx )  );

    if Assigned( pNode ) then begin
      for intD := 0 to (pNode.Count - 1) do begin
        if (pNode.Item[ intD ].Text = pStrings.Values[\'Antecedent\']) then begin
            TreeView1.Items.AddChild( pNode.Item[ intD ], pStrings.Values[\'Dependent\'] );
            on e : Exception do begin
              showMessage( pNode.Item[ intD ].Text );

