• DBLookupListBox,DBLookupComboBox 의 차이점..?
DBLookupcombobox에 대해 공부하다가 자료가 없어서 헬프를 찾아 봤는데요..

아래처럼 4개콤포넌트가 비교 설명이 나오더군요.

리스트박스와 콤보박스는 알겠는데, 나머지 어케 다르다는건지

설명좀 부탁 드리겠습니다.

TDBListBox Displays a list of items from which a user can update a field in the current record. The list of display items is a property of the control.

TDBComboBox Combines an edit box with a list box. A user can update a field in the current record by choosing a value from the drop-down list or by entering a value. The list of display items is a property of the control.

TDBLookupListBox Displays a list of items from which a user can update a column in the current record. The list of display items is looked up in another dataset.

TDBLookupComboBox Combines an edit box with a list box. A user can update a field in the current record by choosing a value from the drop-down list or by entering a value. The list of display items is looked up in another dataset.