• 컴포넌트 등록하는 방법...
알려주세요...컴포넌트 등록하는 방법..드록하려고 하는 것은...rx 컴포넌트 입니다.

  • Profile
    조대호 2000.11.25 01:32
    초보 wrote:

    > 알려주세요...컴포넌트 등록하는 방법..드록하려고 하는 것은...rx 컴포넌트 입니다.

    Rxk Lib는 버젼에 따라 조금씩 다른데 최근에나온 RX Library 2.75를 delphi5에 등록하는방법으로 Delphi의 File -> Open -> Rx가 있는 폴더안에보면 Units라는 폴더가 있습니다 거기에서 RXCTL5.BPL, RXDB5.BPL, RXBDE5.BPL를 차래로 Compile합니다.

    컴파일을 하고나면 BPL확장자가 기는데 이것을 Windows의system폴더에 복사한후

    Delphi의 File -> Open 하여 DCLRXDB5.DPK, DCLRXBD5.DPK 파일을 Install합니다.

    혹여 Install이 않될때는 Environment Options에 있는 Libraty Path와 Browsing Path에 있는 Rx Library Path를 확인하세요.

    //참고로 Rx Library에 있는 Readme의 원문중 Delphi버젼별 Install관련 내용입니다 //




    Before installing RX Library components into Delphi, check out RX.INC

    file located in RXUNITS subdirectory. This file is included in all RX

    Library units and contains conditional defines that affects compilation.

    You can change some of these defines or specify global compiler options


    1. Delphi 5.x:

    Uninstall previous installed version of RX Library from Delphi 5 IDE.

    Remove previously compiled RX packages (if any) RXCTL5.BPL, RXDB5.BPL,

    RXBDE5.BPL, DCLRX5.BPL, DCLRXDB5.BPL and DCLRXBD5.BPL from your hard disk.

    If you have Delphi 5 Professional or Standard Edition, deactivate the

    conditional define {$DEFINE DCS} in the RX.INC file before compiling the


    Use "FileOpen..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open RX' runtime

    package RXCTL5.DPK. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to

    compile packages RXCTL5.DPK. After compiling repeat that for other RX

    Library run-time packages RXDB5.DPK, RXBDE5.DPK. Put compiled BPL files

    into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS

    "PATH" environment variable; for example, in the WindowsSystem directory).

    After compiling RX run-time packages you must install RX design-time

    packages into the IDE.

    Use "FileOpen..." menu item to open RX design-time package DCLRX5.DPK.

    In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package

    and then click "Install" button to register RX Library components on

    the component palette. Repeat that for other RX Library design-time

    packages DCLRXDB5.DPK and DCLRXBD5.DPK.

    NOTE: do not save package sources in the Delphi IDE.

    2. Delphi 4.x:

    Uninstall previous installed version of RX Library from Delphi 4 IDE.

    Remove previously compiled RX packages (if any) RXCTL4.BPL, RXDB4.BPL,

    DCLRX4.BPL and DCLRXDB4.BPL from your hard disk.

    If you have Delphi 4 Professional or Standard Edition, deactivate the

    conditional define {$DEFINE DCS} in the RX.INC file before compiling the


    Use "FileOpen..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open RX' runtime

    package RXCTL4.DPK. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to

    compile packages RXCTL4.DPK. After compiling repeat that for other RX

    Library run-time package RXDB4.DPK. Put compiled BPL files into directory

    that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment

    variable; for example, in the WindowsSystem directory). After

    compiling RX run-time packages you must install RX design-time packages

    into the IDE.

    Use "FileOpen..." menu item to open consistently RX design-time

    packages DCLRX4.DPK (MUST be first) and DCLRXDB4.DPK.

    In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package

    and then click "Install" button to register RX Library components on

    the "RX Controls", "RX DBAware" and "RX Tools" pages.

    NOTE: do not save package sources in the Delphi IDE.

    3. C++Builder 4.x:

    Uninstall previous installed version of RX Library from C++Builder IDE.

    Remove previously compiled RX packages (if any) RXCTL4.BPL, RXDB4.BPL,

    DCLRX4.BPL and DCLRXDB4.BPL from your hard disk.

    Be sure that linker option "Use dynamic RTL" is unchecked.

    Use "FileOpen..." menu item of C++Builder IDE to open RX' runtime

    package RXCTL4.BPK. Then use "ProjectMake..." or "ProjectBuild..." menu

    item to compile package RXCTL4.BPK. After compiling repeat that consistently

    for each of the other RX Library packages (.BPK files) RXDB4.BPK,

    DCLRX4.BPK and DCLRXDB4.BPK (be sure to keep the sequence mentioned).

    For runtime packages (RXCTL4 and RXDB4) put compiled BPL files into

    directory that is accessible through the search PATH (DOS envirounment

    variable, not IDE search path; for example, in the WindowsSystem

    directory). After compiling RX packages you must install RX design-time

    packages into the C++Builder IDE.

    Use "ComponentInstall packages..." menu item to open "Packages" dialog

    box. Then click "Add..." button and locate DCLRX4.BPL from the

    RXUNITS directory and click "OK" to install package into IDE. After

    installing DCLRX4 package install DCLRXDB4.BPL package as above.

    NOTE: do not save package sources in the C++Builder IDE.

    4. Delphi 3.x:

    Uninstall previous installed version of RX Library from Delphi 3 IDE.

    Remove previously compiled RX packages RXCTL.DPL, RXDB.DPL, RXTOOLS.DPL,

    DCLRXCTL.DPL, DCLRXDB.DPL and DCLRXTLS.DPL from your hard disk.

    Use "FileOpen..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open consistently RX

    run-time packages RXCTL.DPK (MUST be first), RXDB.DPK and RXTOOLS.DPK.

    In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile RX Library

    run-time packages. Put compiled DPL files into directory that is

    accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment

    variable; for example, in the WindowsSystem directory). After

    compiling RX run-time packages you must install RX design-time

    packages into the IDE.

    Use "FileOpen..." menu item to open consistently RX design-time

    packages DCLRXCTL.DPK (MUST be first), DCLRXDB.DPK and DCLRXTLS.DPK.

    In "Package..." window click "Install" button to register RX Library

    components on the "RX Controls", "RX DBAware" and "RX Tools" pages


    NOTE: do not save package sources in the Delphi IDE.

    5. C++Builder 3.x:

    Uninstall previous installed version of RX Library from C++Builder IDE.

    Remove previously compiled RX packages (if any) RXCTL.BPL, RXDB.BPL,

    DCLRXCTL.BPL and DCLRXDB.BPL from your hard disk.

    Be sure that linker option "Use dynamic RTL" is unchecked.

    Use "FileOpen..." menu item of C++Builder IDE to open RX' runtime

    package RXCTL.BPK. Then use "ProjectMake..." or "ProjectBuild..." menu

    item to compile package RXCTL.BPK. After compiling repeat that consistently

    for each of the other RX Library packages (.BPK files) RXDB.BPK,

    DCLRXCTL.BPK and DCLRXDB.BPK (be sure to keep the sequence mentioned).

    For runtime packages (RXCTL and RXDB) put compiled BPL files into

    directory that is accessible through the search PATH (DOS envirounment

    variable, not IDE search path; for example, in the WindowsSystem

    directory). After compiling RX packages you must install RX design-time

    packages into the C++Builder IDE.

    Use "ComponentInstall packages..." menu item to open "Packages" dialog

    box. Then click "Add..." button and locate DCLRXCTL.BPL from the

    RXUNITS directory and click "OK" to install package into IDE. After

    installing DCLRXCTL package install DCLRXDB.BPL package as above.

    NOTE: do not save package sources in the C++Builder IDE.

    6. Delphi 2.x and C++ Builder 1.0:

    Use the "Install..." item on Delphi's "Component" menu to add

    the RxCtlReg.PAS, RxDBReg.PAS and RxTooReg.PAS units to the component

    library. These units registers all RX Library components on the

    "RX Controls", "RX DBAware" and "RX Tools" pages accordingly.

    7. Delphi 1.x:

    Use the "Install Components..." item on Delphi's Options menu to add

    the RxCtlReg.PAS, RxDBReg.PAS and RxTooReg.PAS units to the component

    library. These units registers all RX Library components on the

    "RX Controls", "RX DBAware" and "RX Tools" pages accordingly.

    8. Help files:

    The help files (in Russian only) are distributed in separate

    installation packages for each version of Delphi and C++Builder.

    To install the help and keyword file into Delphi 1.0 and 2.0, follow

    these steps:

    Click on the HelpInst icon in the Delphi group in the Program Manager.

    Select File|Open from the menu. Change directories so you are in

    the DelphiBin directory, and select the Delphi.hdx file. Click

    the OK button.

    Select Keywords|Add Keyword File from the menu. Change directories

    so you are in the directory where you stored the help files of the RX.

    Select the RX.KWF (in Delphi 1.0) or RX32.KWF (in Delphi 2.0) file,

    and click the OK button.

    Select File|Save from the menu. This will recompile the Delphi.hdx

    file. You can then close the Helpinst program. You will now be able to

    jump to the help file for the RX Library by selecting the appropriate

    property and hitting 'F1.'

    Help file now available is only in Russian. This help requires Arial Cyr

    and Courier New Cyr fonts (Windows code page 1251).