interbase 의 checksum error 의 복구방법 좀..
백업을 못합니다.
그냥 table 열때는 에러안나는데.
-.General SQL error
database file appears corrupt ()
bad checksum
checksum error on database page 632.
db가 깨진거 같은데.. 복구방법을 모르겠습니다.
볼랜드 온라인에 가니까,
백업해둔 db를 restore해라고 하는거 같은데.
백업해둔게 없으니..
Repairing checksum errors - by Borland Developer Support Staff
Abstract:Restore from a backup that does not have the error
What to do in the event of a checksum error
If InterBase detects a checksum error during a validation,
you receive a Server Manager Error indicating the checksum
problem and the database page where the problem was
detected. At this point the validation does not continue.
If you receive this type of error during a validation,
enable the Ignore Checksum Errors option and run the
validation again to look for other errors.
Restore the backup that you created prior to the validation.
If there has been any activity on the database since the
beginning of the validation, you must shut down the
database, back it up, and restore to repair the checksum
After restoring the database, validate it again with the Ignore
Checksum Errors option off, to confirm that the errors have
been repaired.
Note: Checksums are maintained only on the Windows NT,
Netware NLM, and Local Server versions of InterBase.
UNIX versions do not maintain checksums.
Source: Courseware Manual - InterBase
> interbase 의 checksum error 의 복구방법 좀..
InterBase은 Consol(IBConsol)이란 것이 있습니다.
거시에서 Mainterance라는 것이 있는데 복구시 받드시 ADMIN계정으로
접속하여야 합니다.(SYSDBA/masterkey)
Recovery시 CheckSum Error = True 라고 선택하시면 복구가 될것입니다.