• DBGrid 프린트....
게시판에서 컴포넌트 프린트에 관한 글과 소스 보고...

stringGrid까지는 프린트를 했는데요.

DbGrid 를 프린트 할 수 있는 방법은 없나요?

아래 소스를 참조했는데....이런식으로 DBGrid를 프린트 할 수 있는 방법은 없나요?

제발 도와주세요..

function RightPos(iLen: Integer; sTxt: String): Double;


iSca: Integer = 5;

iDiv: Integer = 5; // Side

iVal: Integer = 1;


iVal := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(sTxt);

result := (iLen - (iVal / iSca) - 8) + ((iVal / iSca) / iDiv);


function CenterPos(iJop, iLen: Integer; sTxt: String): Double;


iSca: Integer = 5;

iDiv: Integer = 10; // Center

iVal: Integer = 1;


if iJop = 0 then iVal := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(sTxt);

if iJop = 1 then iVal := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(sTxt);

result := ((iLen - (iVal / iSca)) / 2) + ((iVal / iSca) / iDiv);


procedure TPrintFM.PrintObject(Sender: TObject);


LabelName: TLabel;

HeaderName: THeader;

StringGridName: TStringGrid;

pPnt: TPoint;


dScaleX, dScaleY: Double;

i, j: Integer;

Q, R: TRect;


pPnt.x := 1082; pPnt.y := 760; // Print Area of A4 Size

pPnt.x := Trunc((pPnt.x - 1016) / 2); // Panel Width = 1016

pPnt.y := Trunc((pPnt.y - 740) / 2); // Panel Height = 740

PDC := Printer.Canvas.Handle;

dScaleX := GetDeviceCaps(PDC, LOGPIXELSX) / 96;

dScaleY := GetDeviceCaps(PDC, LOGPIXELSY) / 96;

if Sender is TLabel then begin

LabelName := (Sender as TLabel);

with Printer.Canvas do begin // < Label Print >

Q := LabelName.BoundsRect;

Q.Left := Trunc((Q.Left + pPnt.x) * dScaleX);

Q.Top := Trunc((Q.Top + pPnt.y) * dScaleY);

Font := LabelName.Font;

TextOut(Q.Left, Q.Top, LabelName.Caption);



if Sender is THeader then begin

HeaderName := (Sender as THeader);

with Printer.Canvas do begin // < Header Print >

Q := HeaderName.BoundsRect;

Q.Left := Trunc((Q.Left + pPnt.x) * dScaleX);

Q.Top := Trunc((Q.Top + pPnt.y) * dScaleY);

Q.Right := Trunc((Q.Right + pPnt.x) * dScaleX);

Q.Bottom := Trunc((Q.Bottom + pPnt.y) * dScaleY);

Pen.Width := HeaderName.Height;

Rectangle(Q.Left, Q.Top, Q.Right, Q.Bottom);

Pen.Width := 8;

MoveTo(Q.Left, Q.Bottom); LineTo(Q.Right, Q.Bottom);



if Sender is TStringGrid then begin

StringGridName := (Sender as TStringGrid);

with Printer.Canvas do begin // < StringGrid Print >

Q := StringGridName.BoundsRect;

Q.Left := Trunc((1016 - StringGridName.Width) / 2) + pPnt.x;

Q.Top := Q.Top + pPnt.y;

Font := StringGridName.Font;

Pen.Width := StringGridName.GridLineWidth;

for i := 0 to StringGridName.ColCount - 1 do

for j := 0 to StringGridName.RowCount - 1 do begin

R := StringGridName.CellRect(i, j);

R.Left := Trunc((R.Left + Q.Left) * dScaleX);

R.Top := Trunc((R.Top + Q.Top) * dScaleY);

R.Right := Trunc((R.Right + Q.Left + StringGridName.GridLineWidth) * dScaleX);

R.Bottom := Trunc((R.Bottom + Q.Top + StringGridName.GridLineWidth) * dScaleY);

if (i < StringGridName.FixedCols) or (j < StringGridName.FixedRows) then Brush.Color := StringGridName.FixedColor

else begin

Brush.Style := bsClear;

SetBKColor(PDC, ColorToRGB(clWhite));


Rectangle(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom);

R.Left := R.Left + Trunc(8 * dScaleX);

// R.Left := R.Left + Trunc(RightPos(StringGridName.ColWidths[i], StringGridName.Cells[i, j]) * dScaleX);

R.Top := R.Top + Trunc(CenterPos(1, StringGridName.DefaultRowHeight, StringGridName.Cells[i, j]) * dScaleY);

TextOut(R.Left, R.Top, StringGridName.Cells[i, j]);


Pen.Width := 8;

Rectangle(Trunc(Q.Left*dScaleX), Trunc(Q.Top*dScaleY), R.Right, R.Bottom);




  • Profile
    이희정 2001.03.29 20:25
    Jean wrote:

    > 게시판에서 컴포넌트 프린트에 관한 글과 소스 보고...

    > stringGrid까지는 프린트를 했는데요.

    > DbGrid 를 프린트 할 수 있는 방법은 없나요?

    > 아래 소스를 참조했는데....이런식으로 DBGrid를 프린트 할 수 있는 방법은 없나요?

    > 제발 도와주세요..


    > function RightPos(iLen: Integer; sTxt: String): Double;

    > const

    > iSca: Integer = 5;

    > iDiv: Integer = 5; // Side

    > iVal: Integer = 1;

    > begin

    > iVal := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(sTxt);

    > result := (iLen - (iVal / iSca) - 8) + ((iVal / iSca) / iDiv);

    > end;


    > function CenterPos(iJop, iLen: Integer; sTxt: String): Double;

    > const

    > iSca: Integer = 5;

    > iDiv: Integer = 10; // Center

    > iVal: Integer = 1;

    > begin

    > if iJop = 0 then iVal := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(sTxt);

    > if iJop = 1 then iVal := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(sTxt);

    > result := ((iLen - (iVal / iSca)) / 2) + ((iVal / iSca) / iDiv);

    > end;


    > procedure TPrintFM.PrintObject(Sender: TObject);

    > var

    > LabelName: TLabel;

    > HeaderName: THeader;

    > StringGridName: TStringGrid;

    > pPnt: TPoint;

    > PDC: HDC;

    > dScaleX, dScaleY: Double;

    > i, j: Integer;

    > Q, R: TRect;

    > begin

    > pPnt.x := 1082; pPnt.y := 760; // Print Area of A4 Size

    > pPnt.x := Trunc((pPnt.x - 1016) / 2); // Panel Width = 1016

    > pPnt.y := Trunc((pPnt.y - 740) / 2); // Panel Height = 740


    > PDC := Printer.Canvas.Handle;

    > dScaleX := GetDeviceCaps(PDC, LOGPIXELSX) / 96;

    > dScaleY := GetDeviceCaps(PDC, LOGPIXELSY) / 96;


    > if Sender is TLabel then begin

    > LabelName := (Sender as TLabel);

    > with Printer.Canvas do begin // < Label Print >

    > Q := LabelName.BoundsRect;

    > Q.Left := Trunc((Q.Left + pPnt.x) * dScaleX);

    > Q.Top := Trunc((Q.Top + pPnt.y) * dScaleY);

    > Font := LabelName.Font;

    > TextOut(Q.Left, Q.Top, LabelName.Caption);

    > end;

    > end;


    > if Sender is THeader then begin

    > HeaderName := (Sender as THeader);

    > with Printer.Canvas do begin // < Header Print >

    > Q := HeaderName.BoundsRect;

    > Q.Left := Trunc((Q.Left + pPnt.x) * dScaleX);

    > Q.Top := Trunc((Q.Top + pPnt.y) * dScaleY);

    > Q.Right := Trunc((Q.Right + pPnt.x) * dScaleX);

    > Q.Bottom := Trunc((Q.Bottom + pPnt.y) * dScaleY);

    > Pen.Width := HeaderName.Height;

    > Rectangle(Q.Left, Q.Top, Q.Right, Q.Bottom);

    > Pen.Width := 8;

    > MoveTo(Q.Left, Q.Bottom); LineTo(Q.Right, Q.Bottom);

    > end;

    > end;


    > if Sender is TStringGrid then begin

    > StringGridName := (Sender as TStringGrid);

    > with Printer.Canvas do begin // < StringGrid Print >

    > Q := StringGridName.BoundsRect;

    > Q.Left := Trunc((1016 - StringGridName.Width) / 2) + pPnt.x;

    > Q.Top := Q.Top + pPnt.y;

    > Font := StringGridName.Font;

    > Pen.Width := StringGridName.GridLineWidth;

    > for i := 0 to StringGridName.ColCount - 1 do

    > for j := 0 to StringGridName.RowCount - 1 do begin

    > R := StringGridName.CellRect(i, j);

    > R.Left := Trunc((R.Left + Q.Left) * dScaleX);

    > R.Top := Trunc((R.Top + Q.Top) * dScaleY);

    > R.Right := Trunc((R.Right + Q.Left + StringGridName.GridLineWidth) * dScaleX);

    > R.Bottom := Trunc((R.Bottom + Q.Top + StringGridName.GridLineWidth) * dScaleY);

    > if (i < StringGridName.FixedCols) or (j < StringGridName.FixedRows) then Brush.Color := StringGridName.FixedColor

    > else begin

    > Brush.Style := bsClear;

    > SetBKColor(PDC, ColorToRGB(clWhite));

    > end;

    > Rectangle(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom);

    > R.Left := R.Left + Trunc(8 * dScaleX);

    > // R.Left := R.Left + Trunc(RightPos(StringGridName.ColWidths[i], StringGridName.Cells[i, j]) * dScaleX);

    > R.Top := R.Top + Trunc(CenterPos(1, StringGridName.DefaultRowHeight, StringGridName.Cells[i, j]) * dScaleY);

    > TextOut(R.Left, R.Top, StringGridName.Cells[i, j]);

    > end;

    > Pen.Width := 8;

    > Rectangle(Trunc(Q.Left*dScaleX), Trunc(Q.Top*dScaleY), R.Right, R.Bottom);

    > end;

    > end;

    > end;


    저런... 엄청난 코딩이군요..

    DBGrid 출력은 훨씬 쉬운데..

    Component중 QReport라는 탭의 QuickRep Component를 이용하시면 DBGrid출력은 코딩이 거의 필요없을 정도로 간단해집니다.

    우선form을 하나 만드시고, 폼에 QuickRep Component를 놓으신 후

    implementation밑에 uses DBGrid가 있는 폼의 Unit명;

    코딩추가하시고 저장.

    QuickRep Component의 DataSet Property에 DBGrid에 걸려있는 Query를 선택해주십시오.

    QuickRep Component위에 다시 QReport 탭의 QRBand를 갖다 놓으시고 속성중 BandType을 rbDetail로 하십시오.

    이 Band에 QRDBText component 갖다 놓으시고 속성중 DataSource, DataField를 선택해주시면됩니다.

    DBGrid가 있는 화면에서 ButtonClick이벤트에 출력폼.QuickRep 콤포넌트명.Print;

    하시면 바로 프린터로 출력됩니다.

    짧게 쓸려고 하다보니..^^;;;;;;

    설명이 부족하시면 메일 주세용