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    김영대 2002.01.28 20:10

    The following example demonstrates creating a system wide windows
    hook under Win32. The example provides both the code for the system
    hook dll and an example application. The hook function that we will
    create will also demonstrate advanced coding techniques such as
    sharing global memory across process boundaries using memory mapped
    files, sending messages from the key hook function back to the
    originating application, and dynamic loading of a dll at runtime.

    The example keyboard hook that we create will keep a count of the
    number of keystrokes a user enters on the keyboard. Further, we will
    demonstrate trapping the enter key, and passing a message back to the
    application that initiated the keyboard hook each time the enter key
    is pressed. Finally, we will demonstrate trapping the left arrow key
    and instead of letting it through to the current application, we will
    instead replace it with a right arrow keystroke. (Note: that this can
    cause much confusion to a unsuspecting user).

    Adding a hook to the windows system involves calling the Windows API
    function SetWindowsHookEx() and passing it the type of hook you wish
    to install, and address of the hook function you are installing.
    System wide hook functions are required to reside in a dynamic link
    library, since they must be mapped into each process on the system.
    The SetWindowsHookEx() function adds your hook function into the
    Windows "hook chain", returning a handle (or id) of the hook you are
    installing. You will use this handle to identify your hook to windows,
    and to remove your hook when you are done trapping the keyboard.

    The Windows "hook chain" is a linked list of functions that Windows
    uses to keep track of all the installed hooks, allowing multiple
    hooks to be installed at any given time. Occasionally, Windows will
    ask your hook function to call the next hook in the chain, allowing
    all the hooks an opportunity to function. When we do call the next
    hook in the chain, we will need to identify ourselves by passing the
    handle of our hook function to the next hook.

    Creating a Windows hook requires special handling under Win32, since
    the dll must be mapped (on the fly) into the process space of every
    application that receives keystrokes. Normally, this is not an issue,
    however, when operating inside a keyhook procedure, global variables
    (such as your hook handle) must be preserved while the dll is mapped
    into other process spaces. Under Win16, this would not be a program,
    since dlls had a single data segment that was shared across all
    process mappings. Under Win32, each mapping of the dll receives its
    own data segment. This means that as the dll that contains the
    keyboard hook is mapped into each process that receives keystrokes,
    it receives a new data segment, and new unitialized variables with it.
    This is a problem, since global variables (such as your hook handle)
    must be preserved across process mappings. To solve this problem, we
    will take advantage of Win32's ability to memory map variables from
    the system paging file.

    Each time our dll is mapped into a process, the DllMain() function
    in our dll will be called by windows, with a parameter flag indicating
    the reason for the call. When we receive the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH flag
    (indicating our dll is getting mapped into a different process), we
    will create a file mapping to the system paging file and get a pointer
    to our memory mapped variables. When we receive the DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
    flag (indicating our dll is getting un-mapped from a process), we will
    free our file mapping of the system paging file. The variables we will
    need to keep track of (and have access to from both the dll and the
    application that originally loaded the keyboard hook) are placed in a
    record structure called THookRec. The THookRec structure has the
    following fields:

    TheHookHandle : The handle (id) of the Keyboard hook that we set. We
    will need access to this variable during the execution of the keyhook
    function, to identify ourselves to windows when we are asked to call
    the next hook in the hook chain. We will also need access to this
    variable when we remove our hook. Finally, the originating application
    that will receive the messages from our hook function can access this
    variable to see if and when the hook is active.

    TheAppWinHandle : While this variable is not used in our example dll
    or application, it is a starting place for adding additional messaging
    capabilities between the hook function and your application that
    initiates the hook. It can also be useful for determining if the hook
    is functioning while mapped into the context of the initiating

    TheCtrlWinHandle : This variable will hold the handle to a button
    control in our initiating application. We will use this handle to send
    messages from the keyboard hook function to the button control. Every
    time the enter key is pressed, we will send a WM_KEYDOWN and a
    WM_KEYUP message to the button and a key value of 0 (zero). We will
    trap the OnKeyDown event in the button control, and keep count of the
    number of times the user presses the enter key.

    TheKeyCount : This variable will keep track of the total number of key
    presses made by the user. Obviously our keyhook will need access to
    this variable to increment its value, and the originating application
    that will receive the messages from our hook function will want to
    access this variable to display real time results.

    The DLL contains the following functions:

    MapFileMemory : Creates a system paging file mapping object and
    initializes a pointer to our mapping variable of type THookRec.

    UnMapFileMemory : Frees the system paging file mapping object and
    mapping variable created by the MapFileMemory() function.

    GetHookRecPointer : An exported function that returns a pointer to the
    mapping variable created by the MapFileMemory() function. The
    initiating application can both set and examine this memory block, and
    effectively share memory that is used by our hook function during the
    time the hook function is operating in the context of another process

    KeyBoardProc : The actual hook function. This function receives both
    keydown, and keyup messages as well as a message from windows
    indicating we should call the next hook in the windows "hook chain".
    This function increments TheKeyCount field of the memory mapped
    THookRec structure if the keystroke we are processing is a keyup
    message. If the key being processed is the enter key, we will fire the
    OnKeyDown event of the window provided in "TheCtrlWinHandle" field of
    the memory mapped THookRec structure. Finally, if the left arrow key
    is pressed, we will swallow the keystroke, and instead send a right
    arrow key stroke to the application. Note that the following variables
    and initializing code has been included in this function for your
    convience. The variables have been commented out in the code (as not
    to compile). To use them, simply remove the comments in the code:

      IsAltPressed {Determines if the Alt key is currently down}
      IsCtrlPressed {Determines if the Control key is currently down}
      IsShiftPressed {Determines if the Shift key is currently down}

    StartKeyBoardHook : An exported function that allows the application
    to initiate installing the keyboard hook;

    StopKeyBoardHook : An exported function that allows the application
    to initiate removing the keyboard hook;

    DllEntryPoint : The main entry point into our dll, allowing us to know
    when our dll is being mapped in, and out of, different application's
    address space.

    Delphi Hook DLL Example:

    library TheHook;


    {Define a record for recording and passing information process wide}
      PHookRec = ^THookRec;
      THookRec = packed record
        TheHookHandle : HHOOK;
        TheAppWinHandle : HWND;
        TheCtrlWinHandle : HWND;
        TheKeyCount : DWORD;

      hObjHandle : THandle; {Variable for the file mapping object}
      lpHookRec : PHookRec; {Pointer to our hook record}

    procedure MapFileMemory(dwAllocSize : DWORD);
    {Create a process wide memory mapped variable}
      hObjHandle := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF,
       if (hObjHandle = 0) then begin
                    'Hook DLL',
                    'Could not create file map object',
    {Get a pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
      lpHookRec := MapViewOfFile(hObjHandle,
      if (lpHookRec = NIL) then begin
                   'Hook DLL',
                   'Could not map file',

    procedure UnMapFileMemory;
    {Delete our process wide memory mapped variable}
      if (lpHookRec <> NIL) then begin
        lpHookRec := NIL;
      if (hObjHandle > 0) then begin
        hObjHandle := 0;

    function GetHookRecPointer : pointer stdcall;
    {Return a pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
      result := lpHookRec;

    {The function that actually processes the keystrokes for our hook}
    function KeyBoardProc(Code : integer;
                          wParam : integer;
                          lParam : integer): integer; stdcall;
      KeyUp : bool;
    {Remove comments for additional functionability
      IsAltPressed : bool;
      IsCtrlPressed : bool;
      IsShiftPressed : bool;
      result := 0;

      case Code of
        HC_ACTION : begin
         {We trap the keystrokes here}

         {Is this a key up message?}
          KeyUp := ((lParam AND (1 shl 31)) <> 0);

        (*Remove comments for additional functionability
         {Is the Alt key pressed}
          if ((lParam AND (1 shl 29)) <> 0) then begin
            IsAltPressed := TRUE;
          end else begin
            IsAltPressed := FALSE;

         {Is the Control key pressed}
          if ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) AND (1 shl 15)) <> 0) then begin
            IsCtrlPressed := TRUE;
          end else begin
            IsCtrlPressed := FALSE;

         {if the Shift key pressed}
          if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) AND (1 shl 15)) <> 0) then begin
            IsShiftPressed := TRUE;
          end else begin
            IsShiftPressed := FALSE;

         {If KeyUp then increment the key count}
          if (KeyUp <> FALSE) then begin

          case wParam of

           {Was the enter key pressed?}
            VK_RETURN : begin
              {if KeyUp}
               if (KeyUp <> FALSE) then begin
                {Post a bogus message to the window control in our app}
              {If you wanted to swallow the keystroke then return -1}
              {else if you want to allow the keystroke then return 0}
               result := 0;
             end; {VK_RETURN}

           {If the left arrow key is pressed then lets play a joke!}
            VK_LEFT : begin
              {if KeyUp}
               if (KeyUp <> FALSE) then begin
                {Create a UpArrow keyboard event}
                 keybd_event(VK_RIGHT, 0, 0, 0);
                 keybd_event(VK_RIGHT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
              {Swallow the keystroke}
               result := -1;
             end; {VK_LEFT}

          end; {case wParam}
         {Allow the keystroke}
          result := 0;
        end; {HC_ACTION}
        HC_NOREMOVE : begin
          {This is a keystroke message, but the keystroke message}
          {has not been removed from the message queue, since an}
          {application has called PeekMessage() specifying PM_NOREMOVE}
          result := 0;
      end; {case code}
      if (Code < 0) then
       {Call the next hook in the hook chain}
        result :=

    procedure StartKeyBoardHook stdcall;
    {If we have a process wide memory variable}
    {and the hook has not already been set...}
      if ((lpHookRec <> NIL) AND
          (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle = 0)) then begin
       {Set the hook and remember our hook handle}
        lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,

    procedure StopKeyBoardHook stdcall;
    {If we have a process wide memory variable}
    {and the hook has already been set...}
      if ((lpHookRec <> NIL) AND
          (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle <> 0)) then begin
       {Remove our hook and clear our hook handle}
        if (UnHookWindowsHookEx(lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle) <> FALSE) then
          lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle := 0;

    procedure DllEntryPoint(dwReason : DWORD);
      case dwReason of
        Dll_Process_Attach : begin
         {If we are getting mapped into a process, then get}
         {a pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}
          hObjHandle := 0;
          lpHookRec := NIL;
        Dll_Process_Detach : begin
         {If we are getting unmapped from a process then, remove}
         {the pointer to our process wide memory mapped variable}

      KeyBoardProc name 'KEYBOARDPROC',
      GetHookRecPointer name 'GETHOOKRECPOINTER',
      StartKeyBoardHook name 'STARTKEYBOARDHOOK',
      StopKeyBoardHook name 'STOPKEYBOARDHOOK';

    {Set our Dll's main entry point}
      DLLProc := @DllEntryPoint;
    {Call our Dll's main entry point}

    Application notes:

    The test application we have created demonstrates loading the dll that
    contains the keyboard hook, installing the key board hook, displaying
    the total keystroke count and the number of times the enter key has
    been pressed (in real time), uninstalling the keyboard hook and
    unloading the dll.

    The application code starts out by defining a form containing two
    labels, a button, and timer component. Once we install our hook
    function, we will start the timer, and upon every timer event, we will
    display in label1 the total number of keystrokes that have been
    entered by the user since the hook was set. The hook will also fire
    the button's OnKeyDown event each time the enter key is pressed,
    giving us the opportunity to display the total number of times the
    enter key has been pressed in the caption of label2.

    After the form is defined, we then define the THookRec structure in
    the same manner as it is defined in the hook dll. Other variables
    we will use include: a handle variable used for loading the hook dll,
    and three function pointer variables used to call the
    GetHookRecPointer(), StartKeyBoardHook(), and StopKeyBoardHook()
    functions. Finally we define a pointer to a THookRec structure used to
    access the memory mapped variables used by the hook function, a
    variable to keep track of the number of times the enter key is
    pressed, and a variable used to indicate the success of loading the
    dll, getting its functions, and setting the hook.

    The application logic goes something like this:

    On form create, we will initialize our form's components, attempt to
    dynamically load the hook dll, and get the address of the
    GetHookRecPointer(), StartKeyBoardHook(), and StopKeyBoardHook()
    functions located in the hook dll. If we are successful, we will
    retrieve a pointer to THookRec structure used by the hook dll, we will
    then initialize structure, adding the handle of the button control so
    the keyboard hook will know which window control to call when the
    enter key is pressed. We will then attempt to start the keyboard hook.
    If we are successful, at setting the hook, we can then start the

    On form destroy, if we where previously successful in installing the
    windows hook and loading the hook dll, we will now uninstall the
    windows hook, and unload the KeyHook dll.

    On the timer's timer event, we will simply display the total number of
    key presses in the form's label1 caption by accessing the KeyHook
    dll's THookRec structure.

    On the Buttons KeyDown event, if the key value passed is zero we
    increment our EnterKeyCount variable and display the total number of
    times the enter key has been pressed by accessing the KeyHook dll's
    THookRec structure.

    Delphi TestApp Example:

    unit TestHk1;


      Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
      Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        Label1: TLabel;
        Label2: TLabel;
        Timer1: TTimer;
        Button1: TButton;
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
        procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
        procedure Button1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
          Shift: TShiftState);
        { Private declarations }
        { Public declarations }

      Form1: TForm1;


    {$R *.DFM}

    {Functions prototypes for the hook dll}
    type TGetHookRecPointer = function : pointer stdcall;

    type TStartKeyBoardHook = procedure stdcall;

    type TStopKeyBoardHook = procedure stdcall;

    {The record type filled in by the hook dll}
    type THookRec = packed record
      TheHookHandle : HHOOK;
      TheAppWinHandle : HWND;
      TheCtrlWinHandle : HWND;
      TheKeyCount : DWORD;

    {A pointer type to the hook record}
    type PHookRec = ^THookRec;

      hHookLib : THANDLE; {A handle to the hook dll}
      GetHookRecPointer : TGetHookRecPointer; {Function pointer}
      StartKeyBoardHook : TStartKeyBoardHook; {Function pointer}
      StopKeyBoardHook : TStopKeyBoardHook; {Function pointer}
      LibLoadSuccess : bool; {If the hook lib was successfully loaded}
      lpHookRec : PHookRec; {A pointer to the hook record}
      EnterKeyCount : DWORD; {An internal count of the Enter Key}

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    {Set our initial variables}
      Timer1.Enabled := FALSE;
      Timer1.Interval := 1000;
      Label1.Caption := '0 Keys Logged';
      Label2.Caption := '0 Enter Keys Logged';
      EnterKeyCount := 0;
      lpHookRec := NIL;
      LibLoadSuccess := FALSE;
      @GetHookRecPointer := NIL;
      @StartKeyBoardHook := NIL;
      @StopKeyBoardHook := NIL;
    {Try to load the hook dll}
      hHookLib := LoadLibrary('THEHOOK.DLL');
    {If the hook dll was loaded successfully}
      if hHookLib <> 0 then begin
       {Get the function addresses}
        @GetHookRecPointer :=
          GetProcAddress(hHookLib, 'GETHOOKRECPOINTER');
        @StartKeyBoardHook :=
          GetProcAddress(hHookLib, 'STARTKEYBOARDHOOK');
        @StopKeyBoardHook :=
          GetProcAddress(hHookLib, 'STOPKEYBOARDHOOK');
       {Did we find all the functions we need?}
        if ((@GetHookRecPointer <> NIL) AND
            (@StartKeyBoardHook <> NIL) AND
            (@StopKeyBoardHook <> NIL)) then begin
           LibLoadSuccess := TRUE;
          {Get a pointer to the hook record}
           lpHookRec := GetHookRecPointer;
          {Were we successfull in getting a ponter to the hook record}
           if (lpHookRec <> nil) then begin
            {Fill in our portion of the hook record}
             lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle := 0;
             lpHookRec^.TheCtrlWinHandle := Button1.Handle;
             lpHookRec^.TheKeyCount := 0;
            {Start the keyboard hook}
            {Start the timer if the hook was successfully set}
             if (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle <> 0) then begin
               Timer1.Enabled := TRUE;
        end else begin
         {We failed to find all the functions we need}
          hHookLib := 0;
          @GetHookRecPointer := NIL;
          @StartKeyBoardHook := NIL;
          @StopKeyBoardHook := NIL;

    procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    {Did we load the dll successfully?}
      if (LibLoadSuccess = TRUE) then begin
       {Did we sucessfully get a pointer to the hook record?}
        if (lpHookRec <> nil) then begin
         {Did the hook get set?}
          if (lpHookRec^.TheHookHandle <> 0) then begin
            Timer1.Enabled := FALSE;
       {Free the hook dll}

    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    {Display the number of keystrokes logged}
      Label1.Caption := IntToStr(lpHookRec^.TheKeyCount) + ' Keys Logged';

    procedure TForm1.Button1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
      Shift: TShiftState);
    {Process message sent from hook dll and display}
    {number of time the enter key was pressed}
      if (Key = 0) then begin
        Label2.Caption := IntToStr(EnterKeyCount) + ' Enter Keys Logged';


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      unit Unit1; interface uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Cont...
    • 이창우
    • 2002.01.28 20:27
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    • 델파이탐크루즈
      2002.01.28 20:13
      안녕하세요... 에러 Access Vioation Errorr address FFFFF00d0d....은 99% 가 메모리 에러입니다....(...
    • 박성웅
    • 2002.01.28 20:00
    • /
    • 김영대
      2002.01.28 20:10
      The following example demonstrates creating a system wide windows hook under Win32. The example p...
    • 이명호
    • 2002.01.28 11:23
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    • 최용일
      2002.01.28 22:10
      안녕하세요. 최용일입니다. 트랙바의 OnKeyDown이벤트에서 Up, Down키를 막으세요... procedure TFor...
    • 이은호
    • 2002.01.28 06:44
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    • 전영민
      2002.01.29 00:42
      저도 초보라서 궁금하죠. 헌데 서버의 자원을 불필요하게 쓰시는게 걸리신다면 rds를 함 써 보심이 어떨...
    • 강동순
    • 2002.01.28 05:11
    • /
    • gudwhrla
      2002.01.28 21:43
      procedure TFmacolorse.kg3KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;   Shift: TShiftState); ...
    • 조규춘
      2002.01.27 20:10
      www.freechal.com/delphiworld 에 들어가보셔요.. 그리고 소식지 자료실이라고 하는 곳에.. 그런...
    • 김상현
    • 2002.01.27 06:22
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    • 강두헌
      2002.01.27 09:16
      Delphi는 function과 procedure로 구분됩니다. function은 리턴값이 있는거구요. procedure는 리턴값이 ...