select d.group_code,
a.prdt_code, a.prdt_seq, a.jumun_yn, a.bill_yn, a.cancel_yn, a.cancel_amount, a.unit_price,
sum(sale_amount) sale_amount,
c.prdt_name, c.prdt_kname, c.port1, c.port2, c.port3, c.port4
from sale_detail a, sale b, product c, m_group_detail d
where a.biz_id = c.biz_id
and a.prdt_code = c.prdt_code
and a.biz_id = b.biz_id
and a.sale_date = b.sale_date
and a.table_seq = b.table_seq
and a.table_name = b.table_name
and a.biz_id *= d.biz_id
and LTrim(a.prdt_code) *= LTrim(d.prdt_code)
and a.biz_id = 'd0000010'
and b.sale_date = '2002-08-06'
and a.table_name = 's1'
and a.table_seq = 1
and b.end_yn = 'N'
group by d.group_code,
a.prdt_code, a.prdt_seq, a.jumun_yn, a.bill_yn, a.cancel_yn, a.cancel_amount, a.unit_price,
c.prdt_name, c.prdt_kname, c.port1, c.port2, c.port3, c.port4
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